Health & Fitness

10 Methods To Boost Your Metabolism And Increase Energy Levels

Metabolism is not just about burning calories when you are at rest, it includes all the chemical reactions in your body that happen simultaneously to keep you alive and healthy. The primary function of your metabolism is to break down the food you consume into nutrients and turn them into fuel. This process gives your

Metabolism is not just about burning calories when you are at rest, it includes all the chemical reactions in your body that happen simultaneously to keep you alive and healthy. The primary function of your metabolism is to break down the food you consume into nutrients and turn them into fuel. This process gives your body the energy it needs to move, breathe, circulate blood, digest food and repair damaged tissues and cells. Here, you will discover tips to boost your metabolism.

Why Is Having A Good Metabolism Important For Your Body?

A good metabolism helps your body function smoothly, keeps you energized throughout the day and contributes to your overall health and wellness. It also reduces the risk of a number of diseases. 

Many factors can affect your metabolic rate, which includes your sex, age, body size, diet and health status. However, you can increase your metabolism by making simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

Here Are Some Easy Ways To Boost Your Metabolism

1. Consume Plenty Of Protein

When you eat food, your metabolism increases for a few hours due to the extra calories that are utilized to digest, absorb and process all the nutrients you get from your meal. Consuming more protein boosts metabolism, which results in a higher metabolic rate. Not to mention, it also makes you feel full which prevents you from overeating.

Eating raises metabolism, especially with more protein, keeping you full and preventing overeating.

2. Drink More Water

Many people don’t meet the minimum daily water intake and they know it. But we’re here to remind you of all the good things water can do. If you replace sugary drinks with a glass of water, your calorie intake reduces automatically. Not only does it temporarily increase your metabolism, but also fills you up before meals so that you don’t overeat.

Opting for water instead of sugary drinks can lower calorie intake, boost metabolism.

3. Start A Routine Of High-Intensity Workouts

Start a routine of high-intensity workouts

High-intensity workouts involve quick and intense bursts of movements that help you burn more fat as it increases your metabolic rate, even when you’re at rest. Start by choosing a workout routine you’re already familiar with and mix it up with a few high-intensity movements. This will help you boost your metabolism as well as burn fat.

High-intensity workouts, which include quick and intense movements, can boost metabolism and burn fat effectively.

4. Increase Regular Movement

Leading a sedentary lifestyle without any movement can affect your health adversely. When you sit for long periods, your metabolic rate decreases which can lead your body to burn fewer calories and amount to weight gain. If your work permits you to work from a desk, try standing up for a few minutes to break the monotony of staying seated for an extended period. You can also include walks in your daily routine to stay active.

Sedentary lifestyle slows metabolism, potentially causing weight gain.

 5. Get A Good Night’s Sleep

Lack of sleep can negatively affect your metabolism, leading to obesity and dysregulation of hormones that regulate your appetite. You might have noticed that you get midnight hunger pangs when you’re pulling an all-nighter. Indulging in that feeling of hunger will keep you from reaching your fitness goals. The only way to avoid it is to get quality sleep every night for an optimum metabolic performance.

Quality sleep is crucial for optimal metabolic performance.

6. Drink Green Tea

Green tea, rich in antioxidants and metabolism-boosting compounds like EGCG, enhances fat burning, especially during exercise. Its unique blend of caffeine and catechins synergistically boosts metabolic rate, supporting overall health by reducing oxidative stress and inflammation. A daily cup of green tea can be a simple, effective way to gently increase your metabolism, complementing a healthy lifestyle.

Green tea, packed with antioxidants and metabolism-boosting EGCG, enhances fat burning during exercise.

7. Eat Spicy Foods

Spicy foods, particularly those containing capsaicin found in chili peppers, can give a significant boost to your metabolism. Capsaicin increases thermogenesis – the body’s process of producing heat, which in turn burns calories. Regular consumption of spicy foods can lead to a small, but meaningful increase in metabolic rate, aiding in weight management. Adding a kick of spice to your meals not only enhances flavor but also contributes to a boost your metabolism, making it a fiery yet beneficial dietary choice.

Spicy foods with capsaicin from chili peppers can significantly boost metabolism.

8. Build Muscle

Muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue. This means that by building muscle through strength training, you can increase your resting metabolic rate, making your body burn more calories even when you’re not working out.

Building muscle through strength training boosts your resting metabolic rate.

9. Reduce Stress

Stress affects hormones like cortisol, which can negatively impact your metabolism. Engaging in stress-reduction activities like yoga, meditation, or even a simple walk can help keep your metabolism in check.

Stress, through hormones like cortisol, harms metabolism.

10. Drink Coffee

Coffee, a widely consumed beverage, is known for its boost your metabolism properties, primarily due to its caffeine content. Caffeine stimulates the central nervous system, enhancing metabolic rate and increasing energy expenditure. Regular coffee consumption can lead to a slight, yet significant increase in metabolic rate, aiding in fat burning and weight management. Incorporating moderate amounts of coffee into your diet can be a simple, enjoyable way to support your metabolic health.

Coffee with caffeine can boost metabolism, burn fat, and aid in weight management.

The Don’ts to Maintain a Good Metabolism

It’s also important to be aware of what not to do when you’re trying to boost your metabolism.

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Sleep

Don’t Underestimate the Power of Sleep

Not getting enough sleep can slow down your metabolism and lead to weight gain. Aim for seven or eight hours of sleep every night.

Don’t Skip Meals

Don't Skip Meals

Your metabolism needs fuel, and if you’re skipping meals, then it won’t have that energy source it needs to keep running smoothly. Always remember: smaller meals that are more frequent are much better than large, infrequent meals.

Don’t Avoid Exercise

Regular exercise helps keep your metabolism up and running by increasing the number of calories you burn throughout the day, helping build lean muscle mass and helps you stay fit. Exercise also helps by reducing stress levels—choose something that makes you happy like a walk in nature or a Zumba class at the gym!

Foods That Stimulate Metabolism

Foods That Stimulate Metabolism

Metabolism is all about energy production, so it makes sense that what you eat can make a big difference in speeding up your metabolism. Here are some of the best foods to eat for a metabolic boost:

  • Fruits and veggies
  • Lean protein
  • Nuts & seeds

Incorporating balanced meals composed of these key food groups can be a great way to give your metabolism a much-needed jumpstart. 

Increased metabolism promotes an active and healthy lifestyle. To complement these strategies and achieve long-lasting results, you can add Apple Cider Vinegar by WOW Life Science to your diet. It’ll help you lose weight, lower your blood sugar, promote better digestion, boost your energy levels and much more.

Our Apple cider vinegar is natural, raw, unfiltered and unpasteurized with 4% ‘Mother of Vinegar’ for extra potency. It retains its raw and natural goodness by staying completely unprocessed.It’s made using cold-pressed juice of himalayan organic apples of the finest quality. Apple cider vinegar is a general tonic that has been in use for a long time and boosts your overall health.

